Sunday, June 2, 2013

Mad Man's Artwork

Very honestly, I am not an artist at all. But, at times, I do have the urge of quenching the thirst of splashing colors on paper.

It was day before, that I saw couple of A4 size papers lying on the table top, which were lying there for almost 15-20 days, unattended.

I do not know, what struck me, I picked them up, cleared off the dust and thought for few moments on, what can I sketch.

Finally, all I could paint out directly, using my daughter’s oil pastels, is this. 

I entitled it as, “Mad Man’s Artwork”.

Not sure, but I think, there are many pictures or messages, within this image.

I perceived the picture as – “Unconditional love, keeps hopes alive.”

Will be honored, if you could add your thoughts on this. 

Thank you.